License Information: State of California Department of Social Services
Facility # 401711284


Montessori Children’s School of San Luis Obispo has four mixed-aged classrooms in our nurturing community.

We enjoy the diverse aspects of our school, the younger to older children, our teachers’ stability, our parents’ support, and the drive to improve what we do. We strive to instill a passion for learning and excellence and are proud of the community we have created.

Trailblazer Class

Trailblazers Classroom
Trailblazers Classroom
Montessori shelves in primary classroom
Trailblazer Classroom

This primary classroom has 15 children ages 3 to 5, led by two teachers. The children have the option to attend half- or full-day classes.

Stargazer Class

This Montessori primary classroom has 25 to 30 children ages 3 to 6 in preschool and kindergarten, led by three teachers. The children have the option to attend half- or full-day classes.

Explorer Class

MCS Explorers Classroom
Explorer Classroom
Explorers Classroom Patio
Explorer Classroom Patio

This elementary classroom has 25 to 30 children ages 6 to 9 years in 1st through 3rd grade, led by three teachers. The children attend full-day classes.

Philosopher Class

Philosophers Classroom
Philosopher Classroom
Montessori Philosophers Classroom
Philosopher Classroom

This upper elementary classroom has 15 to 20 children ages 9 to 12 years in 4th through 6th grade, led by three teachers. Children attend full-day classes.

Our Mission

The Montessori Children’s School program rests on four pillars:

  1. The cultivation within our students and staff of a passion for excellence in everything they do, both inside and outside the school.
  2. The development of universal values: self-respect, kindness, honesty, integrity, responsibility, empathy, compassion, peace, warmth, and love for the community.
  3. The development of a global perspective and sense of international understanding.
  4. The lifelong commitment to give back through service.

The Montessori curriculum includes all traditional topics, such as mathematics, sciences, reading, and writing.

Most importantly, it emphasizes the qualities needed to become self-motivated, independent, self-disciplined, and fulfilled individuals.

Montessori Philosophy

Dr. Maria Montessori believed that no human being is educated by another person. The children must educate themselves, or it will never be done. A truly educated individual continues learning long after the years spent in the classroom due to natural curiosity and love for knowledge.

Montessori Children’s School’s purpose is to meet this objective by:

  • Allowing the children to experience the excitement of learning by choice rather than force.
  • Maximizing natural learning abilities for immediate and future learning through hands-on Montessori materials.


In 1983, Mary Kern founded the San Luis Obispo Montessori Children’s School at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church with six students, ages three to six. During the first year, enrollment expanded to include 15 children! Eventually, the enrollment expanded to 25 students.

In 1991, the owners of an existing Montessori school approached Mary to see if she was interested in purchasing their school. To make a long story short, she was, and the two schools combined and included children ages 3 through 9.

In 1997, our school expanded to include upper elementary students ages 9 through 12. The program began in our extended care room with four students from the lower elementary school and seven students who wanted to continue their Montessori education. It was clear that the upper elementary class was an integral part of Montessori Children’s School.